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Nautical Distance Calculator
Our tool is the most advanced nautical miles calculator available, designed to help you estimate the sailing time, fuel consumption, and cost of your upcoming boat trip.
To mark a port or stop on your sea route, simply click or tap on the desired location on the map. Add as many points as necessary, and a line representing your route will automatically appear. Use the zoom in and zoom out features, or press 'Fit Map' to adjust the view and better visualize your trip on the map.
The total sea distance, measured in nautical miles (or kilometers), is displayed in the bottom right corner of the map.
With the travel time and sea distance calculator located below the map, you can estimate the duration of your trip and its total cost. Just enter the average speed, fuel consumption per hour, and the cost of fuel per liter or gallon.
If you want to move a port or stop, simply click (or tap) on it and, without releasing, drag it to the desired location on the map..
To remove any stop or port from your route, click on it and then press 'Remove' on the pop-up that appears. To delete the entire route and start over, click 'Clear Map'.
Once you've finalized your route, you can share all the details, including the sea route information, by clicking the 'Share' button located at the top right corner of the map.
Finally keep in mind that you can switch to kilometers instead of nautical miles.
For instance, if you plan to sail from Palermo to Naples using our sea distance calculator, you would find that the total distance is approximately 167 nautical miles (310 kilometers). With an average speed of 15 knots, it would take about 11.2 hours to complete this journey.